Leave a Bequest
Leaving a bequest in your will is a meaningful way to make a lasting contribution to animal welfare in Australia and support our ongoing work.
How to leave a bequest to ALI in your will:
If you would like to make a bequest to the Animal Law Institute in your will, we recommend you consider using the following suggested wording (which should be discussed further with your lawyer):
I give and bequeath to The Animal Law Institute ACN 611 060 603 / ABN 65 204 071 916 of Suite 34, 139 Cardigan St, Carlton VIC 3053, for the use and purposes of the said organisation, free of all duties and taxes payable at my death (if any):
a) the whole of my estate; OR
b) .... % of my estate; OR
c) the residue of my estate; OR
d) the sum of $ .....; OR
e) the units/shares in ...... Trust/Ltd; OR
f) the property situated at [insert street address and title reference].
I direct that the receipt of the Secretary or other proper officer for the time being shall be a complete and sufficient discharge to the Executor for that gift.
If you have made a bequest to ALI, please let us know so we are aware of your generous support.
To do so or to request any further information about bequests, you can submit a contact enquiry by the button below and scrolling down to the new enquiry form.
And most importantly - thank you!
Help us help them.
The suffering and exploitation of millions of animals in Australia is legal and happens daily because of cruel, inadequate and inconsistent laws.
Your donation will help us work to end this suffering and exploitation.